Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mepth-Entre Ruínas de Mármore Review

1. Em Meio a Dor
2. Seu Verdadeiro Herói
3. Entre Ruínas de Mármore
4. Veil of Death (F.etal)
5. Despair
6. Autocracia Profana


---Entre Ruínas de Mármore---

Do you crave misery, emptiness, endless pain, and the like?  If so, then this might be the perfect soundtrack to keep those emotions intact.  Brazil's Mepth brings forth mournful ballads to satisfy those elusive emotions of sorrow.  From acoustic melodies to bleak riffs to haunting and mournful clean vocals as well as blackened. This has something for the depressive black metal fan.

The guitars strum with echoes of melancholic and sadistic vibrations in a mid tempo depressive ballad type of tracks.  The vox as I have stated vary in different formats, from the blackened screams, to darkly desired death grunts, and to depressive spoken words and clean singing.  The vox adds more dimension to the already ever flowing pessimistic sound. A perfect blend of all these elements create some very melancholic tracks. The production while perfectly mixed of raw and clean flows nicely with the music.  The drums could be a bit better but nevertheless do the music justice in sound. Overall, the music is great and memorable for those downful times in life.

Favorite tracks include Seu Verdadeiro Herói and Entre Ruínas de Mármore.  I think those are also the most memorable and creative when it comes to this album. All in all, the album gets my praise as a whole. There are lots of nice melodies to keep one coming back. Looking forward to what comes next with Mepth. Curious? Check out the bandcamp page for more info and free download. Depressive fans, you should surely enjoy this band and album.

---Review by Freddy Garcia--- 

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